Now, Japan has spread the test for all regions. Previously, it was only a few. (Image via Reuters)

Japan expands COVID-19 testing

As the number of cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is rising, Japan finally decided to expand COVID-19 testing by spreading drive-through facilities and general practitioners to help collect the samples. Previously, Japan limited the testing, a measure called ineffective by the health experts. Testing is essential in detecting and isolati[ng COVID-19 to slow the spread.

In March, Japan only ran 52,000 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, only 16% from the number done in S. Korea. Thus, it is difficult for Japan to retrace the disease as it spread to Tokyo and other major prefectures.

To boost testing capacity, several general practitioners in Tokyo helped the doctors to examine potential patients and take samples from them.

To broaden PCR’s availability, Japan’s Health Ministry urged the local governments that drive-through tests may bolster the capabilities. A day after, Chiba city launched drive-through tests. The other cities are expected to follow suit.

The decision to expand the testing came after the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, decided to expand the state of emergency from just seven prefectures across Japan. Speaking to the press on Friday, it is an effort to lessen the burden of the public health centers in the country.

Tokyo remains the hardest-hit spot in Japan with a record of 201 additional cases on Friday, totaling to 2,796 cases.
