JAKARTA - Ministry Transportation planned inviting all investors and manager Interested airports develop Komodo Airport , start this month.

Airport Director of the Directorate General (DG) of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) Polana Banguningsih said news of the airport development previously named Mutiara II Airport had also received a positive response from a number of foreign airport managers. Moreover, Labuan Bajo is a unique and popular tourist destination.

There will be market sound , Polana explain   market sounding   aim give picture to investors regarding direction development airport or scheme work the same .   Meanwhile, the scheme   CooperationGovernment and Business Entity (PPP)   intentionally chosen to minimize use of APBN funds and more involving SOEs and party third .

His party will give chance to all over manager airport , fine domestic and foreign for no only develop airport , but at once make use of region surrounding it . There is land from line beach to airport that canused to be resort travel .

When this , he added , investors who have already file attraction in form   Letter of Interest   ( LoI ) originates from domestic and foreign . Foreign investors among others GVK from India, Incheon of South Korea (ROK), Singapore Changi, and from France and China.

Meanwhile, domestic investors are PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Ministry of Transportation explain stage next is   manufacturing process   Final Business Case   (FBC).   Document that usually load   organizational value ,   feasibility , costs , benefits and risks from project.

After that, the Ministry of Transportation will again hold a market sounding and prepare a public hearing so that the local community knows the airport development plan. The public hearings were conducted as a means to accommodate the aspirations, proposals, and objections of the community.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Transportation will hold an auction. Auctions are conducted so that potential destinations can be maximally developed so that they can grow the economy of the surrounding community. "We hope that [Komodo Airport] can be managed more professionally so that demands will increase. The main objective is to increase tourist visits," he said.