Indonesian government appoints 5 new COVID-19 spokespeople
Revealed on Monday, the Indonesian Government has appointed five new spokespeople on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination, from the leading sector instances in COVID-19 vaccine procurement and distribution. The spokespeople will be the representative of the Indonesian Government, COVID-19 task force, National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), and Biofarma.
The news was confirmed by the official press release broadcast on the official YouTube channel of the Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, delivered by the Minister himself, Johnny G. Plate. Johnny stated that the appointment of the five new spokespeople for COVID-19 management came from leading sectors related to COVID-19 in Indonesia. These new spokespeople are given specific tasks for accurate, meticulous, and fast information and public communication dissemination.
The five spokespeople are:
1. Wiku Adisasmito (COVID-19 national taskforce spokesperson): responsible for the explanation on scientific aspects of COVID-19 vaccine & its correlation on COVID-19 management, and delivering messages from all general aspects on COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia.
2. Reisa Broto Asmoro (COVID-19 taskforce spokesperson and representative of new normal adaptation): responsible for delivering information regarding healthy, prevention-based lifestyle against COVID-19, including its vaccination.
3. Siti Nadia Tarmizi (Health Ministry's spokesperson and director for direct infectious diseases): responsible for delivering information relating to the COVID-19 vaccination program.
4. Lucia Rizka Andalusia (BPOM's spokesperson): responsible for delivering information regarding the authorization of COVID-19 vaccine according to the regulations set by BPOM and providing responses on COVID-19 vaccine's authorization, security, efficacy, and quality.
5. Bambang Heriyanto (Biofarma's spokesperson and corporate secretary): responsible for explaining the logistics and distribution of COVID-19 throughout Indonesia.
Source: https://bit.ly/3osnJbM