Indonesia's new capital in East Kalimantan is going to rely 100% on natural gas. (Image via BusinessLIVE)

Indonesia's new capital to use 100% gas network

To get rid of dependence on 3 Kg liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia, Bambang Brodjonegoro, revealed the plan that the new capital of Indonesia in East Kalimantan would be equipped with 100% gas network, Friday (27/9).

Now, people in Jakarta still rely on the 3 kg LPG to fire up their stove. Adapting the concept of “smart city”, the gas network would rely completely on the clean energy of natural gas.

Bambang hoped that the people, moving to the new, more modern capital, would not have to rely on the 3 kg LPG but the gas network. Currently, the development of the gas network is being held gradually and massively.

President Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN), Gigih Prakoso, displayed enthusiasm and optimism in building the gas network in the new capital. He was sure that the utilization of natural gas in the new capital would be cleaner and more efficient. The gas network project has proven efficient in reducing household energy costs.

PGN has built and managed more than 10 Km gas pipelines beneath various market sectors, and 3,800 Km state-owned gas pipelines throughout Indonesian regions.

Gigih projected that the gas network would save as much as Rp157.8 billion per year. Therefore, Indonesian people can also save as much as Rp386 billion. The Indonesian government can also reduce gas import and trade balance deficit as much as Rp1.4 trillion per year.
