Rep. Ilhan Omar needs security guard fearing the death threats will come true (Image via: Sputnik International)

Ilhan Omar Received Racist Death Threats

The U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district from Democratic party, Ilhan Omar, revealed a chilling death threat recently. She shared a photo of the latest death threat she got on Twitter, as a response to a tweet from Pacific Standard columnist David Perry. Perry uploaded a photo of Omar with security guard near her when she gave a speech on immigration and detention. The reason of the security guard presence turned out to be devastating.

Ilhan Omar tweeted that she hated to live in a world where someone needs to be protected from fellow humans. She said that she has to accept the reality of having security guard just to save her life from deranged people. The tweet was written along with a photo of the death threat letter she received. The death threat contains hateful and racist speech, as well as anti-immigrant stance. It said that Omar will be shoot by someone with “a very big gun” and the shooting will be at the Minnesota State Fair. The threat also said something offensive about getting the “Somali Stink” out of Minnesota.

Death threats have been coming to her whenever the U.S. president Donald Trump lashes out at her. On April, she was receiving death threats after Trump tweeted a video about 9/11 attacks combines with out-of-context comments Omar gave in a speech addressing xenophobia and Islamophobia. Trump also targeted Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, by telling them to go back to where they came from. This week Omar got struck by Alabama Republican Senate candidate and an accused child molester, Roy Moore, who said that Trump was right and Omar should go back to Somalia. He called Omar as a sworn enemy of Israel. Conservatives are accusing her of anti-semitism for her stance on Israel. Her own party also criticized her for the comments on US-Israel relations, but denied the anti-semitic accusation.
