Huawei is investing in Poland, despite being banned by the US earlier this year. (Image via Pocket Now)

Huawei Plans to Invest in Poland

Earlier this year, US government is banning Huawei, under the order from President Donald Trump. The reason for this banning is because of the fears that Huawei’s equipment could be used to spy on other countries and companies. Since the banning, Google also announced they will block Huawei’s access to its Android software, meaning future phones of Huawei will not have Android and Huawei sold phones will not receive updates. However, in late June, Trump announced that US is going to lift the ban. How is Huawei doing now?

Although Huawei has talked with Trump about the ban lifting, they are still going to make an OS alternative to Android, called Hong Meng. Even the CEO and founder Ren Zhengfei, claimed that Hong Meng will be about 60% faster than Android. Nonetheless, that is not the only good news from Huawei.
It is reported that Huawei plans to invest 3 billion zlotys (USD $793 million) in Poland for the next 5 years. Huawei’s head of strategic communication in Poland Ryszard Hordynski revealed that the company will spend almost 3 billion zloyts in the next five years through purchases. Still related to Poland’s 5G plans, the firm was waiting to see the company’s contribution as well.

Previously, Huawei announced they are going to invest 2 billion zloyts in Polland for the three years. However, Huawei wants to develop and invest more in Polland, which is why they are planning to invest more for the next 5 years.
