Diet always starts "tomorrow". That's how it fails. (Image via Medical News Today)

How to eat less and stay full?

The general idea of a diet is reducing your food to gain less. However, some people set such an unrealistic goal for their body, and when they fail to accomplish the diet, they binge on food forgetting about the diet let alone the goal.

This time, we are going to share with you the tips and tricks to eat less but to stay full, according to Chloe Twist, a Personal Trainer (PT) at OriGym Centre of Excellence, one of the UK’s leading fitness center.

The strategy for a long-lasting diet is by applying the “80:20” portion. Twist explained further that there are many diets and sticking into only one would be a bit troublesome. Therefore, the “80:20” method seems to be the best strategy.

How does this “80:20” work? Twist said that you can eat 80% of the time and break 20% of the time. While the break is only 20%, what decides your diet is the 80% eating time.

The program for your diet should be rich with green vegetables, fiber, and protein. Twist added that minding your diet was not only what mattered in the program. During the 20% break, make sure you also exercise. She recommended weight training to gain muscle that burns the fat.

Setting a goal for your diet is never a wrong thing. However, planning a good diet and doing it are far better. Summarizing the advice by Chloe Twist, it is better to plan balanced eating and exercising schedule because eating right could benefit your body and putting your body into exercise helps you maintain a good posture.
