Lagging phone always annoys us to the level where we want to smash it. But, it can be solved. This is how. (Image via Technobezz)

How to accelerate your phone?

What grinds your gear the most? Then, it might be waiting for the food to come. But now, it is your slow-but-sure, not-so-smart phone. Some people find it irritating when their phone starts lagging. Especially, when it lags at the worst timing.

People all around the world are getting tech-savvier. They find out that excessive apps in your phone put dead-weight on your smartphones, makes it lagging. But, what are other factors? In this article, we will tell you how to make your phone run like Usain Bolt.


Yes, excessive apps disrupt RAM’s performance. How? It takes up RAM’s space. Now, you can find out what apps are killing your battery by going to “Setting” -> “Device Care” -> “Battery”. But, the options vary, depending on your smartphone’s brand.

Also, never forget to kill your running app after using it because it might cause your smartphone to lag.


When the application has to go with the flow, they get bigger as the technology advances. OS and apps get their updates to make them better and faster. However, the cost is your phone’s performance. “Better” OS and apps take up space in your smartphones, causing it to lag.

Of course, to solve this out, you just need to download the “Lite” version of your app. Some social media companies such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others already released the “Lite” version of their apps. Thus, it makes your phone run faster.


More often than not, we keep using our smartphone without paying attention to its storage. When it begins lagging, then we know that the storage cannot hold it any longer. Therefore, it is a reminder for you to clean-up unnecessary things from your smartphone regularly. Cleaning up is not limited to apps but also photos and videos.

Another alternative, you can insert an SD card into your smartphone for additional storage. However, if your smartphone does not support SD card, it is time for you to clean up. If you love your memories too much, you can store them on your PC instead.

One more thing, never forget to clean your smartphone’s cache daily. Every day, your smartphone piles cache, and you need to clean it. If you don’t know how to do it, there are apps to help you with it.
