Hino Motors data fraud such as exhaust gas president explained at today's press conference
Hino Motors has continued to suspend the shipment of trucks
and other vehicles after submitting fraudulent exhaust gas and fuel consumption
data to the government.
In March this year, Hino Motors was found to have submitted
fraudulent data on engine exhaust gas and fuel efficiency to the government,
and the shipment of large and medium-sized trucks, etc., for which the
certification corresponding to the permission to sell the car was revoked, was
In this matter, the company has set up a special
investigation committee made up of external experts to investigate the cause. They
also announced that they will hold a press conference from 4:00 pm on the 2nd,
saying that the report has been compiled.
At the conference, lawyers from the investigation committee
will also attend and explain when the fraud began, the cause, and measures to
prevent recurrence.
Hino Motors' domestic sales of large and medium-duty trucks
have halved due to the suspension of shipments, and the impact is spreading to
parts manufacturers and sales companies that are business partners.
The focus will be on what kind of explanation will be given
at the press conference on the 2nd about the prospect of resuming shipments and
the responsibilities of management, including President Ogiso.
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220802/k10013747211000.html