Queen of England Elizabeth and her dog pet. (Annie Leibovitz via REUTERS)

Here’s Why Queen of England always has 2 Birthday Parties

England, United Kingdom – Last April 21, The Royal Queen Elizabeth, The Queen of England turned 93 years old this year. What amazed the public is that the Queen actually celebrated 2 parties for her birthday, which were official and public birthday parties.

However, usually the birthday party for the public is a party for the people while the kingdom has a sunny weather. Therefore, a public party called Trooping of the Color is celebrated during the summer or hot weather in England this year.

King Edward VII, as the Queen Elizabeth’s predecessor also enjoyed the Queen’s birthday celebration during the sunny weather, as someone who was born in November, a month full with snow and cold weather in England.

Apparently, this tradition has been going on since the leadership of King George II in 1748. Since then, the British Anniversary's public birthday party has been held on the second Saturday of June.

Until present day, the public birthday party became the most awaited celebration by the people, especially the tourists, who want to watch the party directly in England to feel the excitement.

It is reported that Queen Elizabeth together with the British Royal family celebrated it with attending Easter at the church for this year's official birthday party, and this year's public birthday party on Saturday (8/6) was celebrated by the British people publicly. The parade of British Air Force aircraft also enjoyed by the people, even by royal children who were standing and looking on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and did not want to lose the moment.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/internasional/20190609093228-134-401843/alasan-ratu-inggris-punya-dua-pesta-ulang-tahun