GoTo予算、旅行サイト枠追加 割引額を戻すよう要請

GoTo budget, travel site quota added Request to return discount amount

 In response to a series of discounts on major travel booking sites over Go To Travel, a tourism promotion measure that subsidizes up to half of the cost of travel, Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Minister Kazuaki Akabane announced on May 13 that he would add a budget for such sites. The site requested that the original discount be returned. It is expected to return by the morning of the 14th.

 A series of discounts have been reduced on major travel booking sites over Go To Travel, the country's tourism promotion plan. In order to "make the travel fee up to half the price", it has just become eligible to arrive and depart from Tokyo on the 1st of this month. Many travel agencies continue to offer half-price discounts as before, but this is difficult for consumers to understand.

"Yahoo! Major sites such as Travel and Jalan responded by lowering the discount limit, which had previously been up to 14,000 yen, to a maximum of 3,500 yen per night due to a concentration of reservations.

The travel business will subsidize up to 50% of the domestic travel fee of 20,000 yen per person per night (10,000 yen for day trips). Of the 50%, 35% will be discounted from the travel fee, and the remaining 15% will be coupons that can be used for shopping on the trip. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has decided on the budget of each company mainly according to the sales plan so that the benefits from the project are not biased toward some business operators. The budget is scheduled to be allocated several times, and the first frame was allocated in September.
