A member of Commission I from Golkar party, Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi. (Image via Kastara.ID)

Golkar wants military to assist the Indonesian government in tackling COVID-19 outbreak

Functional Groups Party (Golkar) initiated the formation of a working committee in Commission I of People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) to prepare necessary steps if the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) began its outbreak in Indonesia.

The formation of a working committee will be discussed further by the other fractions on 20 March. A meeting with the Defense Military and State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is also scheduled.

Speaking in a discussion event on Sunday, a member of Commission I from Golkar, Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi, said that the working committee will focus on the military readiness, as noted from the United Nations (U.N). It is normal if the military is the front line in battling the COVID-19, especially the World Health Organization (WHO) does not close the possibility the epidemic will soon be pandemic.

Starting in December 2019, the fight of COVID-19 also includes the military. However, Bobby questioned the reason why China’s People’s Liberation Army does not join the battle.

COVID-19 had rewritten the routines of people all around the globe, disrupting the public facility, and thronged the hospitals with its infected.

The novel coronavirus has not been found out yet in Indonesia. At least, that was what the Indonesian government has been asserting although some countries expressed their doubts about that. The Health Ministry repeatedly asserted no infection cases in Indonesia.

Bobby explained that the formation of the working committee is not due to the distrust in the government but to anticipate if sooner or later the virus entered the archipelagic country. There are 70 countries that have not revealed any infection cases including Papua New Guinea and Brunei.

Source: https://bit.ly/2TelIDt