Go-Food feature inside the Gojek app. (Image via Gojek)

Gojek is Reducing Plastic Use Through Go-Food

Indonesia is currently taking care of its plastic use. Since 3 years ago, people who are aware of plastic waste in social media is keep increasing, where they do a campaign about plastic waste. Recently, Bali drew a lot of attention after its government made a rule for not having plastic anywhere, it's not even sold in the supermarket. The government's new regulation brings attention, as cities are starting to follow the rules. It turns out that one of a startup company unicorn, Gojek, has decided to take steps in reducing plastic waste.

Gojek found out that most of their plastic waste comes from their service, Go-Food. It is because when a person orders food via Go-Food, the restaurant would give them plastic utensils (that one would throw away right after they're eating) as well as a plastic bag so it will be easier for the Gojek driver to carry. However, these plastics are not really used because customers would likely have their own utensils at home.

Because of this, Gojek has started a new movement; no more plastic. Customers could ask for plastic utensils, but they need to pay extra Rp 1.000. Gojek will also provide a special bag for the drivers to carry around while delivering foods. The bag will have compartments that are suitable for Go-Food drivers. Gojek is collaborating with ministry of environment and forestry and World-Wide Fund of Nature for this movement.

It is reported that as of now, there are more than 750 restaurants and tenants in Indonesia who have joined this movement. Gojek users can see the tenants who have joined on the main page of Gojek app.

Source: https://m.detik.com/inet/cyberlife/d-4628757/lewat-go-food-go-jek-mulai-kurangi-penggunaan-plastik-sekali-pakai