Refreshingly healthy, banana holds the elixir for your body. (Image via Gulf News)

From anemia to weight loss, banana has it all: Study

Who hates bananas? The Cleopatra of tropical fruit, banana has a sour and sweet taste depending on how ripe it is. Banana stores more than just a taste; it also stores many medicinal properties. For the most common benefit, banana solves constipation for its richness in fiber.

However, banana can do more than just curing your digestive tract. These are the medical benefits you can get from consuming banana daily.

Not only fiber but also banana is rich in potassium. One banana contains 422mg of potassium. This makes banana act similar to vasodilator, widening the blood vessels by causing smooth muscles within the blood vessels to relax.

Therefore, medical experts often suggest people with hypertension to consume more banana to help with their salt-free diet. Potassium helps your heartbeat as usual and protect your blood pressure from sodium (salt). Furthermore, potassium also prevents kidney stones. With a healthy kidney, a good amount of potassium is also preserved in your body.

Banana also contains B6 and C vitamins. They prevent cardiovascular diseases. A 4,069mg potassium intake a day is recommended to prevent yourselves from ischemia, better than those who consume less, at 1,000mg a day.

The fiber in a banana is good for those who suffer from diabetes. One medium banana contains 3gr of fiber. For type-1 diabetes, banana helps lower sugar levels in the blood. For type-2 diabetes, banana helps you fix insulin levels, sugar levels, and lipids in your body.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans regulate fiber intake for each gender. A woman should take 15 – 21gr daily, while a man should take 30 – 38gr.

Anemia is a condition where your body lacks red blood cells (hemoglobin) to carry oxygen to your body’s tissues. In other words, your body needs iron to produce more red blood cells. Banana is one of the solutions to such a problem. One medium banana stores 0.3mg of iron.


Here is the million-dollar question. Can banana help you lose weight? The answer is “Yes”! If you want to lose weight in a short time without breaking a sweat, banana is recommended to be included in your diet program. The soluble fiber in a banana helps you stay full for the meantime.
