Despite the price, salmon is a food that certainly cuts the fat off your belly. (Image via Fifteen Spatulas)

Food and beverages to burn your calories

Turns out, not only filling your belly but also the right food helps you burn calories and lose weight. Not to mention, the process of eating food is also important to burn calories. Chewing, digesting, and storing food require a big amount of calories.

The scientists refer to this activity as the “thermic effect of food” (TEF). TEF is the main component of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) or the total amount of your expended calories during the day.

Therefore, no more “food = fat” since the correct food can make you stay slim.

But, don’t get your hopes too high. The calories burned from TEF is only five to 10 percent of the TDEE. If you expend 2,000cal daily, you burn about 100 – 200cal from eating activity, making 30 – 75cal from food.

Pay attention that the “RIGHT” food is essential. Therefore, here are types of foods that will help you lose fat:

While all kinds of fish contain omega-3 fatty acid, salmon has its own property. Consuming two portions of salmon a week helps enhance body metabolism. Besides, salmon contains a lot of protein and less fat.

For spicy food-lovers, this is good news. Do you know, spicy food actually burns your calories? It is because of the capsaicin in chili peppers that makes you feel stuffed faster. In other words, spicy food makes you feel less hungry faster.

Both into the juicer or into the pan, celery is well-known to reduce hypertension. But, millions of people had no idea that celery also burns fat! Celery contains fewer calories because it consists mainly of water. Therefore, it is enjoyable in the form of a cup of juice, dipped into yogurt, or cooked with soup.

While we have covered the food, now it’s time for the drinks. Green tea is widely known for being a “weight loss drink”. Not only weight but also green tea cuts cholesterol and calories. The study points out that two to three cups of tea a day help your slim body stay.

If you are a “coffee-person”, then it is good news that coffee also burns calories! A caffeinated drink before exercise burns calories 15 percent more than those who don’t start with coffee.

Of course, this is only a tiny bit of advice to lose weight. But, if you think that eating makes you fat, now, it is time to change your mind.
