You can exercise while self-isolate yourselves at home. (Image via wikiHow)

Experts: Indoors exercise is recommended amid COVID-19

Exercising amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) can be a bit difficult. Exposure to the sunray is actually pretty important for vitamin D intake.

Cardiology and vascular doctor, Dr. Sony Hilal, stated that exercising around your house is considered safe as long as it is close to home. However, Dr. Sony recommended exercising indoors, remember that there are many exercises that you can do.

Speaking on Saturday, Dr. Sony reminded such exercises as squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and others can be done in your room. Referring to the New England Journal of Medicine finding, Dr. Sony said that there are possibilities that the COVID-19 might last as long as three hours in the air and stick into any material surfaces for days.

Moreover, exercising at home might protect you from unwanted scenarios such as getting infected by people outside your house. Should you have the equipment, it is better to do your exercises at home. Dr. Sony pointed out that COVID-19 is the main reason why car-free day (CFD) is absent for a while.

Dr. Sony recommended to sunbathe at least three times a week and breathe fresh air. Sunbathing will fill your body with vitamin D, a useful property to improve your immune system and bone density.
