Try exercising before taking your first meal of the day. It changes your life! (Image via

Exercise before breakfast for significant weight loss: Study

Just like “the chicken and the egg”, the question of “which one goes first? Breakfast or exercise?” has been a frequently asked question (FAQ) for some people. Some people argue that breakfast should come first before exercise. With a hearty breakfast, you don’t have to feel exhausted after. Others argue that breakfast after exercise will help reducing body fat.

Last week, a study published in the United Kingdom (U.K) revealed that exercising before breakfast burns double the body fat, more efficient than those who take breakfast first.

The joint study, between the University of Bath and University of Birmingham, was conducted for six weeks, involving 30 adult men with obese and overweight postures. These 30 adults were divided into two groups: taking breakfast before exercising and exercising before breakfast. Meanwhile, workout routines and food intake remain the same.

Our insulin levels are the lowest in the morning, thanks to the overnight fasting during our slumber. It was then noted that exercising with empty stomach forces body to use fat and carbohydrate stored in body tissues and muscles, converting it to energy.

Although it is effective for burning fat, there were no significant differences when it comes to the scale. The two groups did not show any significant weight loss despite the program.

However, looking at the bright side, the research proved that exercising before breakfast helps an individual prevent diabetes and heart attack. How come? The group who broke their sweat before eating in the morning showed that their muscles became more responsive to insulin, and also an increase in protein to manage glucose in the bloodstream.

The study was later published in the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism”. The researchers involved in the study stated that what remains is determining whether the program works the same with women as in men.
