Food that ranges from fewer to more carbs. (Image via: Diet Doctor)

Editorial: Preserve Life by Stop Adopting Low Carb Diet

Having a slim, healthy body is a dream for everyone. There is a principle believed by everyone that eating too much leads too obesity. However, the principle was only seen partly by these people. Hence, the low carb diet appeared.

Low carb diet, as the name tells you, is a diet involving depressing amount of carbohydrate-free meals. In English, that means less grain, less starch, less milk, and less fruit with carbohydrate inside. By abandoning this carbohydrate meals, protein intake is hiking. The aim of low carb diet is to prevent diabetes and as the effective means to lose weight.

However, as you lose weight, you are also about to lose your life slowly, at least that is according to a study at Tohoku University in the presentation at Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science, Shizuoka (19/5).

By testing the low carb diet on mice, the researchers found out that the mice which is “forced” to adopt low carb diet has 20% shorter lifespan than the mice which has average carbohydrate intake. The memory capacity of the mice was endangered as well by the diet.

Even worse, by adopting this diet, lactic acid compound it their intestines are degrading, which led to vulnerability to cancer or any intestinal disease.

It is a basic need that we take carb for our daily activity, since carbohydrate is the fuel for our diesel. Taking less carbohydrate results to less energy for the day. By 20-30 years of adopting this diet, they may find themselves aging quickly.

It is proven that carb-free diet contributes tremendously to the prevention of diabetes and fat loss. However, excessive low carb diet also leads to diseases that you try to prevent. Hence, too much is never too good. We suggest for those who want to adopt the diet to consult to nutritionist, to prevent obsessive diet that leads to massive impact.
