Distributor: IMEI validation regulation gives positive impacts to the mobile phones industry in Indonesia
PT Erajaya Swasembada, a cellular phone distributor and retailer based in Indonesia, viewed the government’s proposal on the validation of mobile phones via International Mobile Equipment Identity or known as IMEI would provide advantages for all key players in the industry including distributors, the government and consumers.On Thursday, the company director of marketing and communication Djatmiko Wardoyo said to Antara – Indonesia’s news agency - that the policy will give benefits to both the government and users, not merely to Erajaya as an importer, distributor, and official retailer of cell phones.
Previously on July 3, Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara informed that the government is now setting up an ordinance that would validate a mobile phone’s IMEI.
The purpose of this rule is to monitor the flow of cellular phones and the existence of black markets or illegal mobile phones in the country, according to the Minister.
The existence of illegal cellular phones brings turbulence to the industry and country. According to the director of marketing and communication of Erajaya, the market share of original products decreases due to the distribution of unlicensed phone, consumers are vulnerable to harm because they didn’t get secured products and state income is disrupted.
Later, users have to pair their SIM card with mobile subscriber integrated services digital network number (MSISDN) in order to activate their mobile phones.
While in term of security, the owners don’t have to worry if their phone lost since no one could access it, underlined Minister Rudiantara.
The IMEI validation regulation will be applied to start in August 2019, according to Ismail, the General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology of the Communication and Informatics Ministry (Kominfo).
The rule is expected could increase Indonesia’s tax revenue from the legal phone industry.
Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1221242/imei-validation-policy-creates-beneficial-impacts-distributor
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