コロナで苦境 外国人技能実習生 再就職など支援の充実検討へ

Difficulty in Corona to Enhance Support such as Re-employment of Foreign Technical Interns

While the infection with the new coronavirus continues to spread, the Immigration Bureau will continue to support the re-employment of foreign technical intern trainees who have been dismissed from the training destination, and for those trainees who are unable to return to Japan after completing the training, We plan to consider measures to enhance support, such as extending the period of stay.

After the establishment, the trainees were able to re-employment at companies in Japan and work for up to one year. However, as of March 3 of this month, there were only 625 trainees who re-employed companies in the agriculture and food manufacturing industries using this system. In addition, although there are about 20,000 trainees who have not yet returned to Japan after the training period and are still able to stay in Japan, they have a maximum period of half a year.

It wants to efficiently connect foreigners who are in trouble due to employment stoppages with those who are short of labor because the foreigners who were planning to hire cannot come to Japan. When foreign trainees residing in Japan for work purposes lose their jobs, they are essentially required to find a place to work in the same occupation. As a special case, the agency will now provide business operators with information on the human resources of trainees who want to work in Japan even after losing their jobs through industry groups and local governments in 14 fields such as agriculture and nursing care , where manpower is insufficient. As of the end of last year, the number of technical interns in Japan was the highest ever, about 410,000.

Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN4K65XVN4KUTIL00P.html, https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200810/k10012560111000.html?utm_int=news-politics_contents_list-items_002