休業者、コロナ前の水準に リストラ相次ぎ先行きに懸念

Concerns about the future of restructuring

According to the September employment statistics released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the 30th, 1.97 million people were absent from work, falling below 2 million for the first time after the new corona crisis. At one point, the number reached nearly 6 million, but it has almost returned to pre-corona levels.

Although the employment statistics in September deteriorated only slightly, there are a series of restructuring movements by workers who have returned to work, and there are concerns that employment will continue to deteriorate. The number of employees taking leave was around 1.9 million last winter, but due to the influence of the new corona, it exceeded 2 million in March and surged to a record high of 5.97 million in April. After that, it decreased with the resumption of economic activity.

According to the analysis by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications since May, about 2-4% of the rapidly increasing number of employees who were unemployed were unemployed. Many are believed to have returned to work, partly due to the government's expansion of employment adjustment subsidies to help companies maintain employment.

Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASNBZ73Z8NBZULFA01W.html