Uighur skill education camp in Kashgar, Xinjiang. (BETWEEN PHOTOS / M. Irfan Ilmie)

Combating Terrorists, China Persuades Turkey for Cooperation

Xinjiang, China - Senior Diplomat and Chinese State Advisor Wang Yi, as reported by Reuters on Friday (5/17) that China is hoping that Turkey can truly respect China's interests in protecting national sovereignty and security, and support China's efforts to eradicate 'East Turkistan' terrorists or radical group and maintain a situation of strategic cooperation between the two countries, as Turkey is the only country that pays special attention to the alleged persecution of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang area.

China declares that they always respects Turkey's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and even supports their national security and stability as well. In a meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey, Sedat Onal, in Beijing, Wang said that China so far has helped develop Turkey, especially in terms of the economy and business. This makes Onal agreed to support China's effort to prevent the terrorists and deepen the cooperation with China for this issue.

So far, China has stated that the de-radicalization process in Xinjiang by building 'training camps' has brought the security stability. However, many diplomats and foreign experts still doubt whether the group is indeed real, as China blamed the East Turkistan Movement for attacks in the Xinjiang region in recent years.

In spite of China's effort to protect the country and people, the Chinese government is accused of violating human rights regarding the establishment of the camp which they call a 'skill training center' with the report that many confessions from a number of ethnic Uighurs some of their relatives were forced into the camp and even reported missing until the present day.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/internasional/20190517112154-113-395684/china-rayu-turki-lawan-kelompok-radikal-di-xinjiang