Spending time in the green makes your children healthier and wiser (Image via: BBC)

Children Plus Nature Equals Good Mental Health

There is a reason why it is called “Mother Nature”. Nowadays, many children immerse themselves in gadget and internet. So often do they immerse themselves, until they forget about the outside world. Since nobody ever reminds them about how Nature brings forth good things in life, let us remind you about how nature builds up children’s mental health.

First things first, can you recall the memory of playing outside? Children who often spend their time in the nature – or far from gadget – form a better mental health in terms of cognitive development. While physically, they have stronger and more active build than those who spend their time in their room doing God knows what, according to a journal published in “International Journal of Environmental Health Research”. But what kind of nature? The journal picks out the green (park, forest, garden).

The journal consisted of a research involving 3,600 adults from several countries. They were assessed in terms of the natural space in their settlement, their current stress level, and how important was the green space in their childhood.

The result was that the adults who spent their time mostly in the open have better mental health than those who did not. In addition, the later has more ignorance toward nature, since they did not have a specific concept of nature significance in their life.

With industrialization, modernization, and internet, it is getting bleaker for present generation who begins to develop a tendency to feel lazy when they are told to play outside. It is important to remind them of how good nature is to their growth and development.