(Trump gave a speech during a joint breakfasting at the White House (REUTERS / Leah Millis)

Breakfasting with the President, The White House Welcomes The Month of Ramadan

Washington DC, USA - To mark the holy month of Ramadan, the President of the United States, Donald Trump held a joint breakfasting at the White House as he called that Ramadan is a moment to seek hope, tolerance and peace within every human especially for those who celebrate Ramadan all over the world.

Trump officials were also present, along with the ambassadors from various countries and members of the diplomatic corps who represent countries that are predominantly Muslim, attend this joint breakfasting event at the White House while having a reunion as well.

During the breakfasting event, Trump also discussed a series of attacks on several worship places , one of which was the terror of two mosques in New Zealand, bomb attacks on the church in Sri Lanka and attacks on God's children on Jewish places of worship in Pittsburgh and California and other holy places.

Trump ended his speech with happy fasting greeting for Muslims all over the world and their determination to defeat the evil of terrorism and religious persecution so that everyone can worship without fear, pray without danger and live with the confidence that flows in their day in this holy month and so on.

Source: https://news.detik.com/internasional/d-4549143/trump-gelar-buka-puasa-bersama-di-gedung-putih