Will Smith starred as Genie

Will Smith’s Thoughts on ‘Aladdin’

AMMAN, JORDAN - Will Smith is going to play Genie in the remake of ‘Aladdin’. The movie itself will hit the cinema on May 24 in United States and May 23 in Middle East. Meeting with the reporters in Amman, Jordan, Will Smith revealed about his thought of playing as Genie in ‘Aladdin’.

Smith stated that it is one of the experiences he’s ever had during the 30-years of his career. Moreover, ‘Aladdin’ is a musical movie. That’s what makes Smith excited the most about the movie—he loves to sing. Not only an actor, Smith is also known as a rapper and singer. He has released 4 studio albums so far, in the 90s and early 2000s. He said that the movie brings out his talents all at once. Smith even revealed that the movie includes singing, comedy, action, and Bollywood-style dance. Those are the things that viewers need to expect.

Before Smith, the one who played the voice is none other than Robin Williams in the animated film back in 1992. Smith thinks that Williams’ performance in the movie revolutionized what actors can do.
Smith also revealed that when he was given the offer to play as Genie, he wasn’t sure. It’s because he thought playing the role as Genie is a big shoes to fill, especially after having Robin Williams decades ago. However, Jaden Smith was overjoy that he support his father to take the role. 

With the early release of Zayn and Zhavia Ward’s A Whole New World, it seems like a lot of people are waiting for the movie to be released!

Source: https://japantoday.com/category/entertainment/will-smith-calls-'aladdin'-remake-highlight-of-his-career