Ban on Disposable Plastic Bag Profits Retailers, says Aprindo

The Indonesian Retailers Association (Aprindo) claims that the ban on plastic bags implemented across a number of Indonesian regions has actually profited retailers.

“If we were asked whether we need plastic bags or not, [we’d] answer that it is not necessary since it is able to reduce costs,” said Aprindo Roy Mandey at the Future Commerce Indonesia 2019 event in Jakarta today, Jan. 29.

Even though the ban managed to reduce operational costs for retailers, the policy proved to be a dilemma for consumers that have the right to carry their groceries not empty-handed.

However, he revealed that most consumers would decline whenever offered to purchase disposable plastic bags to carry their groceries.

Roy added that the government should have provided more time to introduce the policy to the public and other elements that would further support the disposable plastic bag ban.

