「三密」回避 タクシー相乗り出社の実証実験 新型コロナ

Avoiding the "three denseness" Demonstration Experiment of Taxi Carpooling Company New Corona

In the case of coming to the office, if the employee applies for the desired boarding place and arrival time using the application the day before, AI will create and notify an efficient route for mounting multiple employees.

On the morning of the 13th, a taxi arrived when an employee was waiting at the boarding place at the designated time, moved about 20 minutes, and another employee boarded and headed to the headquarters in Tokyo. A female employee in her thirties who used it said, “I am going to work a few times a week now, but I feel stressed because the trains in the morning are crowded”.

In this experiment, which will be conducted until the 7th of next month, the company will bear the costs and analyze whether the employee's impressions or not will be considered for practical application. Toshiaki Matsuura, Group Leader, KDDI Business Development Department, said, "There are people who must work from home even if they are working from home. I was talking."

KDDI has started a demonstration test in Tokyo on the 13th to avoid congestion on public transportation such as trains, where employees will come to work using a taxi carpool service. Approximately 2,000 KDDI employees are targeted, and about 10 minivan-type taxis for 7 passengers will be used for transportation. The system of the app creates the best route for getting on board multiple employees.

Source: https://bit.ly/39dCvNk