To avoid malware, you should refrain from using a VPN, especially originating from the countries at war. (Image via

Avoid VPN during the U.S - Iran tension: Expert

Cybersecurity experts warned people that the ongoing war between Iran and the United States (U.S) could potentially go cyber, making it dangerous for every netizen around the world to be affected by it.

If a country does not want to be involved in the cyberwar, people need to leave the virtual private network (VPN) for a moment, especially VPN originating from the countries caught in tension with its bilateral counterparts. This is to prevent malware from spreading. Malware such as wannacry and nopetya, existing in 2017, could also appear due to the cyberwar.

The President of the U.S, Donald Trump, stated that cyberwar is happening between Tehran and Washington. Most likely, the cyberwar is infiltrated by certain anonymous groups from other countries.

In the cyberwar, there must be hacking and cracking, system attacks, and the most famous cyberattack was Stuxnet from Israel that targeted Iran’s nuclear system.

Moreover, awareness should also be shared with major companies. The hackers might not only target the governmental website, but also websites of major companies representing the respective country.

Currently, Iran affiliated with Palestine’s networks, especially Hamas. Meanwhile, the U.S collaborated with Israel and Saudi Arabia to contain Iran.

The war also reaches social media. But, in this one, the experts predicted the U.S got the upper hand since the majority of social media platforms are owned by Uncle Sam. The U.S Foreign Surveillance Act requires every tech giant in the U.S to give backdoor and privilege for government agencies, making it less vulnerable to foreign propaganda.

People should also watch out for U.S-made tech in government agencies. The assassination of Qassem Soleimani was one of the examples of espionage through telecommunication devices, internet, and accurate field reports.

Therefore, it is better to have your call on a safe line and avoid turning on your GPS.
