Man Buys His Girlfriend an Ocean as Chinese Valentine’s Day Gift (Credit : WeChat via Oddity Central)

Anti-mainstream valentine gift, A man gives an ocean to his girlfriend

Valentine is one of the annual events awaited by couples around the world. Most of them will give the best gifts to their loved ones as proof of their love. Usually, sweet things like chocolate and roses are often used as gifts. But what if the prize given is the ocean? yes, the ocean.

A girl in China surprised netizens after uploading a gift she received from her boyfriend during Chinese Valentine's Day on May 20 yesterday.

A girl in China surprised netizens after uploading a gift she received from her boyfriend during Chinese Valentine's Day on May 20 yesterday. According to Odditycentral, he got the right to use 210 hectares of ocean located off the coast of Shandong province, near Cheniushan Island. The area was originally owned by a fish farming company which was later acquired by her lover through an online auction. The man surnamed Zhang had to spend 682,662 yuan to buy that ocean.

According to local media, the woman who was not identified said she got the prize after being angry that her boyfriend had forgotten about May 20. Many felt they could not understand why Zhang could buy the open sea. However, according to local laws, it turns out that the ocean can indeed be bought.

A lawyer named Zhang Xinnian through The Paper explained that Zhang's offer was very legal when referring to law in China. He said that Chinese ownership law does emphasize that territorial waters are state-owned and cannot be sold or bought. But those who apply for attorney rights can lease or even mortgage it.