Amid the COVID-19 outbreak in Jakarta, the public transportation operator, TransJakarta, set a new rule: Cashless. (Image via

Amid COVID-19, TransJakarta halts cash activity

Public transportation operator in Jakarta, PT TransJakarta, stated that it will only take cashless payment in all bus rapid transit (BRT) stations in Jakarta amid the novel coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). The news was confirmed by TransJakarta’s Head of Corporate Secretary, Nadia Diposanjoyo.

Speaking on Wednesday, Nadia quoted that starting 19 March 2020, TransJakarta will not receive cash transactions for topping up or buying new cards. For top-up at the stations, they can use debit cards; however, only BCA, Mandiri, and BNI are available.

The policy will run into effect until further notice. She stated that the policy is part of the action to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in public transportation. Therefore, Nadia hopes that all passengers will make sure they have enough balance before riding the BRT. If it is insufficient, passengers can top up their cards at automatic teller machines (ATMs) or nearby convenience stores with ATMs inside.

On behalf of TransJakarta, Nadia hoped that all passengers of TransJakarta will take heed and obey the policy. Moreover, she repeated that people should limit commuting except really needed, take care of their health, and follow officers’ instructions when using TransJakarta. Previously, TransJakarta required all of its passengers to do social distancing when using public transportation.

On Wednesday, Indonesia has 172 positive cases, 156 of which are receiving treatment, seven died, and nine people recovered.
