Israel is closing its borders temporarily to avoid the COVID-19 outbreak. (Image via HonestReporting)

Amid COVID-19, Israel closes borders

As Christians and Catholics pilgrims from all over the world are coming to Israel, the Promised Land closed the border accesses in an effort to suppress the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) originating from Wuhan, Hubei Province, Central China. With the borders closed, it means, for now, Israel is temporarily shut down.

The accesses were closed starting Sunday at 5.00 p.m. One of the Indonesian pilgrims in the land, Ps. Sonny Zaluchu, said that he and his group, consisting of 51 members, are already in Jerusalem on a pilgrimage tour.

Due to the closing, the pilgrims are confused, especially those who have finished their pilgrimage tour in the Holy Land. They have no idea whether they should go home to their countries or stick around until the borders are opened again.

Sonny also said that it is unclear whether there are other restrictions such as mass gatherings and a request to stay indoors. The Israelite borders also did not specify whether the pilgrims’ permission to exit the land is accelerated or not.

Previously, Sonny said that the border between Israel and Palestine was closed, prohibiting the West Bank access. Therefore, the pilgrims could not visit the Nativity Church and Shepherds’ Field, Bethlehem; Wall of Jericho, and Hebron.

Regarding the news, Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry's acting director for overseas citizen protection, Judha Nugraha, has not responded to the matter.
