E.ON plans to draw from its own windfarms, biomass plants and solar projects to power the switch. Photograph: Darren Cool/E.ON/PA

A 100% renewable electricity will supply 3.3m customer supplied by E.ON UK

E.ON is one of the largest renewable energy generators in the UK which plans to draw from its own wind farms, biomass plants, and solar projects to power the electricity. A 100% renewable electricity will be supplied to 3.3m customers as a way to raise public concern over the climate crisis. Furthermore, there will be no extra cost for electricity to run.

The company needs to upgrade its portfolio by buying renewable “guarantee certificates” which can be generated from a specific project. The portfolio then will be handed to RWE as an exchange for its energy network assets and supply businesses by the end of this year.

Michael Lewis, the chief executive of E.ON UK said that the customers will continue to receive renewable energy even after the assets are given to RWE. However, he did not give any comments on whether E.ON has secured enough renewable energy for power or the deal is meant to take the struggle that power has been facing as the company undergoes a major corporate overhaul.

The YouGov did a survey last month and the result showed that more than three in five Britons would switch to a renewable electricity supplier with a condition if the price was reasonable.

Source: https://www.ft.com/content/5f5a0646-a1a4-11e9-a282-2df48f366f7d