コロナ独自指標、愛知県が改定 危険領域→厳重警戒 7日連続50人超

Corona's original index revised in Aichi prefecture Danger area → Severe warning Over 50 people for 7 consecutive days

Aichi Prefecture announced on the 27th that 76 new cases of new coronavirus infection were confirmed in the prefecture. It has reached a high level of over 50 people for 7 consecutive days. At the meeting on that day, Governor Hideaki Omura announced a new index unique to the prefecture, which will be used as a reference to secure the number of beds, and emphasized that "special wards (for new corona patients) and facilities for mildly ill persons will be in time". did.


            In May, the prefecture established three items and two levels of indicators as the prefecture's own criteria for judging restrictions on going out and requesting leave. When all three items entered the "dangerous area", the maximum limit was set, but this indicator has been revised. The numbers that were classified as “dangerous areas” (red zone) in the May index will be “strict caution” (orange zone), which is one step lower in the new index.


On this day, a new index was presented at a meeting of medical personnel who verified the response to the first wave of the new corona. The number of new infections positive rate number of inpatients number of seriously illnesses-four items, each divided into four levels of "caution", "warning", "severe warning" and "danger". As of the 26th, excluding the "number of seriously ill persons", which had not been counted, there was one "danger" and two "severe vigilance".


            Governor Omura said that the index was revised, "The number of young people infected in July is overwhelmingly young, most of them are mild or asymptomatic. You have to deal with it based on the actual situation," the situation is different from May Emphasize that. Although the index was used as a guide for securing beds and requesting leave, he answered only "what to do concretely is on a case-by-case basis".

Source: https://blog.goo.ne.jp/midorinodamu/e/fbcd5cddc1260712588afcb40803363a , https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d827a4243efaf3a5b9f5a640e22ea0115b327072 , https://topics.smt.docomo.ne.jp/article/mainichi/politics/mainichi-20200727k0000m010225000c