51 Household seasonings such as Ajinomoto salt products and dashi stock to increase in price from October
Ajinomoto, a major food manufacturer, has decided to raise
the price of some household seasonings such as salt products and dashi stock
from October in response to soaring raw material prices.
According to the announcement, 51 household seasonings, including
salt products, dashi stock, and consomme products (a type of clear soup made
from richly flavoured stock), will be targeted, and the price will be raised
from the delivery on October 1st.
The price increases are about 2% to 5% for salt products,
about 5% to 12% for soup stock, and about 5% to 7% for consomme products, and
the price increase for the main product "Hon-Dashi" is the highest
since 2014.
The main factors for the company are the soaring prices of
coal used to make salt from seawater, the prices of raw materials such as soup
stock and lactose used for soup stock and consomme, and the rising costs of
packaging materials and logistics. However, it is said that it is not possible
to absorb the increase in costs only by corporate efforts.
Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220624/k10013685871000.html