The ban against Huawei makes all other tech giants catch fire. (Image via: ExtremeTech)

3 Tech Giants Beg Trump to Ease Huawei’s Ban

WASHINGTON - A month ago, on 16 May, Trump stated that Huawei would enter the “entity” list, to be forbidden from entering US market. This ban caused many tech giants had to severe their relation with Huawei. Huawei and Donald Trump both do not want to back off from the war, and the tension is escalating even more. Nonetheless, other companies are caught under fire due to the ban for Huawei.

These companies are Intel, Qualcomm, and Xilinx. Did not see Huawei there? It was because Huawei itself does not have the idea to persuade Trump to exempt them from the list.

In late May, representatives from Intel, Qualcomm, and Xilinx met with US Department of Commerce to discuss about the ban. The ban forbids them to do business with Huawei, including selling their components for Huawei’s device. Due to national threat, Trump said once.

On 20 May, Department of Commerce did state that they would offer temporal general license for Huawei to buy components from US, in order to maintain their stability and relationship with its customers.

For these 3 tech giants, they never think about helping Huawei to get rid of the ban, but it is about saving their businesses. Huawei, as the biggest tech company in China, was one of the key buyers of their components. Just in 2018, US$70 billion was rolled out by Huawei just to buy components, US$11 billion of which ran to Intel, Qualcomm, and Micron.

Therefore, losing Huawei means they lost one of their biggest buyers.

Huawei did not budge by the list. Instead of begging on their knees for Android, Huawei developed their own, new OS, HongMeng, although it is still more vulnerable compared to Google’s Android.

Furthermore, Huawei chose to delay the launching of their latest Matebook, rather than begging to Microsoft to cooperate with them. However, Chinese government had already stated that they also made another entity list, as retaliatory action for US’ entity list, which punishes any company cooperating with US’ list.

Since the ban, Huawei turned their back on US, firing 5 employees in its Washington office. Moreover, Trump’s reign has asked the world to join him in banning Huawei from their countries, calling for them to use their own, western technology. For some people, this is Trump’s way to not only ban, but also kill Huawei before waking its full potential.

However, Huawei could also fear the ban, since due to the ban, they might lose more than US$30 billion of revenue in 2 years.

Need to remind you, the world, US, and China could also be at loss, if they keep the trade wars alive. The 5G development lies on the revival of good relationship between the 2 warring countries.
