自民大阪市議ら3人が公明選挙区で出馬検討 大阪都構想で亀裂、次期衆院選

3 members of LDP Osaka City Council are considering the Komei electoral district

Osaka City, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, who opposes the “Osaka Metropolitan Government” that abolishes Osaka City and reorganizes it into a special ward, has three independent members running in a single-election district in Osaka Prefecture where the Komei Party holds seats in the next House of Representatives election. On the 31st, it was made clear during an interview with related parties that they are considering. Since the establishment of the coalition government, the two parties have been able to separate candidates, but Komei has turned to support the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the mutual support system in the lower house election is likely to crack. As a "recipient of supporters of the Liberal Democratic who oppose the concept of the city," the main war theory centering on the Osaka City Council has surfaced within the LDP.

Since the inauguration of its own government in 1999, among the 19 electoral districts within the prefecture, Osaka 3, 5, 6, and 16 districts have established candidates for the Komei Party and have established a support system recommended by the LDP. There are many scenes where the prefectural assembly and the Osaka city council take joint steps, and in the double election of the prefectural governor and the mayor of Osaka in April 2019, the LDP and the Komei prefecture headquarters recommend candidates who are opposed to the metropolitan concept and promote Osaka metropolitan planning. He confronted the representative, Ichiro Matsui, and others but was defeated. After that, Komei, whose policy was changed to support the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, was dissatisfied inside the LDP.

Independent Candidate Examination

According to the people concerned, in the 3 wards, Ken Yanagimoto and former LDP Osaka City Council, who lost to Mr. Matsui in the election of the Mayor of Osaka in April 2019, are considering running. In the 5th ward, Tadashi Kitano, secretary-general of the LDP Osaka City Council, and in the 16th ward, Tomoaki Nomura and Motoi Sakai, who was defeated in the May 19 elections for the Mayor of Sakai, are considering independent candidates.

On September 3, the Osaka City Council will refrain from voting on the city planning system proposal, following the previous prefectural assembly. The LDP, who is reluctant to hold a referendum in Corona, proposed a continuous deliberation of the system proposal to postpone the vote. As Komei refused, the LDP notified that the city council would cancel the cooperation. At the standing committee of the city council on 31st, the system proposal was approved in favor of the Meiji Restoration, and the approval at the plenary session on 3rd is certain, in which case the second referendum implementation will be decided since May 2015.

"Needs an opposition" "Resignation"

Mr. 3 confirmed the possibility of running in the Mainichi Newspaper. Mr. Yanagimoto argued, "Since I have been against the city plan for a long time, it is inconsistent to support the Komeito candidate who has been in favor of it. It is necessary to have a saucer for people who oppose the city plan but support their own government."

The resignation of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also likely to affect Osaka politics. Mayor Matsui told reporters on the 31st that he should ask the people about the confidence of the new government, and he said he would seek an early general election. On the other hand, he said, "Taxes should be used without waste. If they are implemented at once, the cost will be reduced." Mr. Yanagimoto et al. 3 are also envisioning this schedule, and they are accelerating their preparations for running, such as making posters for three people.

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200831/k00/00m/010/227000c