捜査当局の通信傍受による逮捕者 年間計152人で過去最多に

152 people arrested for intercepting communications by Law Enforcement Authorities

A total of 152 people were arrested in 20 cases, including drug trafficking and possession of pistols, in a cabinet meeting on the 19th during the interception of law enforcement officials' communications. The number of cases of interception and arrests was the highest ever.

The "Communication Interception Law" allows investigative authorities to intercept telephone calls, etc., when investigating particularly serious and vicious cases of organized crime, only when it is difficult to clarify by other means. Every year, we request the Diet to report the implementation status, such as the number of intercepted communications.

In a cabinet meeting on the 19th, Minister of Justice Uekawa intercepted mobile phone calls 20,120 times and arrested a total of 152 people in 20 cases such as drug trafficking and possession of pistols in the last year. I reported that. Since 2000, when the law came into effect, the number of cases of interception and the number of arrests has reached a record high. The government will report this to the Diet.

Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20210219/k10012875701000.html