POTUS, Donald Trump & President of Swiss Confederation, Ueli Maurer met at White House (Image via: Reuters)

Trump to Iran: “I Don’t Want to Make Things Worse”

WASHINGTON – Conflict between Iran and US ran in a long track. Both in movies and in reality, both are throwing rocks at each other. Both have no diplomatic tie, and they have to rely to other countries to represent themselves in both countries. Furthermore, Ali Khamenei – the leader of Iran – forbids any talks with US, almost closing any doors for reconcilitation.

However just yesterday (16/5), Donald Trump stated that he did not want to intensify tension with Iran. While John Bolton, the National Security Advisor for US, suggested that the US should engage Iran in battle, Donald Trump held his horses not to shoot any bullets at Iran, that is what he told to acting Defense Secretary, Patrick Shanahan (15/5). US has put Iran under pressure by deploying military forces to Tehran and sanctions.

Yesteday, Ueli Maurer, the President of Swiss Confederation, met with Donald Trump at White House to discuss international issues from Middle East to Venezuela, and one of which might be about Iran. Swiss Confederation is well known to be the “envoy” for US in Iran, and Iran has Pakistan as “envoy” in US. The meeting between the two was deemed to be the signal for Iran that US is ready to talk about peace agreement.

Nonetheless, Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister, did not buy it. He still claimed that US is the mastermind that caused countries to do “illegal” things for their bidding.

US managed to put a nuclear agreement in 2016, to which Iran complied and the sanction was lifted. However, in Trump’s reign in 2018, the sanction was once more put on the shoulder as US backed off from the nuclear agreement. To set the things on fire even more, Ali Khamenei asserted in 2018 that there would be no talks between the Western and the Middle East countries.

Source: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-05/17/c_138064575.htm