
"Don Quixote" New Corona, Foreigners Decreased

The company that runs the discount store "Don Quixote" has closed its sales for foreign tourists for one year until June, although sales for foreign tourists decreased due to the influence of the new coronavirus. Sales increased, and the final profit was 50.3 billion yen, which was a record high for the 10th consecutive year.

Foreign tourist always bought souvenirs or even just food, because there is cheaper than the other store. But because of this global pandemic, foreign tourist can’t go outside and go to Japan. "Pan Pacific International Holdings," which operates Don Quijote, announced its financial results for the June term on the 12th. As a result, sales for the entire group increased by 26% from the previous fiscal year to 1,681.9 billion yen, and final profit increased by 6% to 50.3 billion yen, marking a record high for the 10th consecutive year.

With the spread of the new coronavirus, sales to foreign tourists fell sharply from February onwards, but we expanded sales by strengthening the selection of foods, masks and other items. New coronavirus makes all of the sector stopped suddenly. We have to adapt to new habit start from now on and fight for that global pandemic. Don’t forget to always social distancing from others and keep using mask and always eat healthy food like vegetable or other fruits.

In addition, the forecast for the year to June next year is to convert the low-profitability general supermarket stores to discount stores. He showed the prospect of updating the best.

Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200812/k10012564541000.html?utm_int=news-business_contents_list-items_010, https://news.biglobe.ne.jp/exarticle/domestic/2020/0812/afdba1c4.html