Disappointed, N. Korea walks away from talks with the U.S Politics & Economic | International The top nuclear negotiator for N. Korea even emphasized that the disappointment was “great”. Oct 06, 2019
Why freelancing best starts in the university Business Tips in Indonesia | Labor & Employment While part-time offers money, there is one more option that offers not only money but a professional experience with it. What is that? It is freelancing. Oct 06, 2019
GoFood and GoPay make it rain for GoJek Business & Industry | Foods & Service One service from the Indonesian ride-hailing company, GoJek, proved its worth. Oct 05, 2019
Put away your vape! Here are the symptoms of VAPI! Business & Industry | Medical and Health Recently in the United States (U.S), lung disease began to strike the vape users. Indonesia might be next. Oct 05, 2019
It's a miracle! A paralyzed man walks after exoskeleton implant Business & Industry | Sci-Tech Thibault felt like Neil Armstrong at that time. Oct 05, 2019
PayPal becomes the first company to back off from Facebook's Libra Project Market & Investment | New Investment PayPal wants to focus on its own development. Oct 05, 2019
Japanese car sales suffer setbacks in S. Korea Business & Industry | Automotive & Equipment The incident was a follow up to the trade friction saga between Japan and S. Korea over wartime crime. Oct 04, 2019
Malaysian Maxis and Chinese Huawei to cooperate for 5G networks Business & Industry | Internet & IT After the signing, Maxis’ shares rose by 1.5% on Friday’s opening. Oct 04, 2019
Innovating working space, these are modern working space of today and tomorrow Business Tips in Indonesia | Labor & Employment When hearing the word “office”, what are the first thing passing your head? Oct 04, 2019
SoftBank struggles to raise fund after WeWork Market & Investment | New Investment After the WeWork catastrophe, SoftBank Vision Fund 2.0 is uncertain. Oct 04, 2019
ASEAN’s internet economy to reach US$100 billion in 2019 Business & Industry | Internet & IT As online shops and ride-hailing services are flourishing in the ASEAN region, the region’s internet economy also was predicted to flourish as well. Oct 03, 2019
Why internship is integral for your career path Business Tips in Indonesia | Labor & Employment Never avoid an internship! Although it seems tiring, an internship is helpful for your career. Oct 03, 2019