首相、不妊助成の所得制限撤廃へ 企業経営者に脱炭素社会投資促す (via Bloomberg)

Prime Minister urges business owners to decarbonize social investment

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga attended a meeting in Tokyo for business owners on the 23rd and announced his intention to lift income restrictions from next year over expanding support for the cost subsidy system for people receiving infertility treatment.

It encouraged companies to invest in technological innovation to achieve the virtually zero greenhouse gas emission target for 50 years. Regarding measures against the new corona infection, he complained that "measures focusing on situations where the risk of infection is high are necessary."

Regarding infertility treatment, emphasized that support measures will be expanded until insurance coverage is realized. "I want to decide the direction of support measures similar to insurance coverage in the FY2009 budget plan. I also want to abolish income restrictions."

In relation to the greenhouse gas target, he also said, "I want to create green demand in Japan."

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20201123/k00/00m/010/127000c