行政の支払い全てで「オンライン化目指す」 河野行革相

Mr. Kono, Minister of Foreign Affairs: "All administrative payments: Aiming to go online"

Mr. Taro Kono, Minister for Administrative Reform, spoke in English at a university in Tokyo on November 11 and indicated that he would proceed with reforms to make online payments available for various administrative procedures such as taxes. The aim is to simplify procedures by eliminating the need to visit financial institutions and other institutions.

Mr Kono said he was "trying to make all government payments online" after showing that in the event of a speeding or other traffic violation, he would have to go to a financial institution to pay the penalty. It is said that it has received the support from other ministers. Mr. Kono also commented on his stance on reforms, such as lifting the ban on online medical care and "de-hanko," saying, "What I want to convey to the public is that you can make mistakes. There is a myth that bureaucrats cannot make mistakes. But you can make mistakes once in a while, and if that happens, all you have to do is turn around. I take all the responsibility, so instead of trying to make it 100% perfect, all I need now is to speed up. If you make a mistake, you can apologize and change course. I think it's better to move faster for Japan as a whole."

Source: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASNBC4D7FNBCUTFK004.html