BIZBRIDGE is an online platform that provides you all the information which will help your business in Indonesia.


Legal Status:PT (Limited Liability Company)
Company Province:DKI Jakarta
Supervisory Board:************ (Request To View)
Board Of Management:************ (Request To View)
Total Employees:************ (Request To View)
Started Operation:************ (Request To View)
Date Establishment:************ (Request To View)
Permits:************ (Request To View)
Category Of Invest:************ (Request To View)
Type Of Business:Manufacture
Type Of Product:Agriculture and Plantation Product
Field Interest:************ (Request To View)
Capacity Product:************ (Request To View)
Capitalization:************ (Request To View)
Total Investment:************ (Request To View)
Bankers:************ (Request To View)
Associated Company:************ (Request To View)
Shareholders:************ (Request To View)
Remarks:************ (Request To View)
Company Website:n.a
Company Email:************ (Request To View)
Date Update:************ (Request To View)
Detail Contact
Address Of Head Office:Wisma 77, 7th Floor Jalan Let S Parman Kav 77 Slipi Jakarta 11410
Phone Of Head Office:(021) 53670888 53677989
Fax Of Head Office:(021) 59671888 53672888
Address Of Factory:Jalan Jend Sudirman 395 Gedung Surya Dumai Group Rejosaro Pekanbaru 28281
Phone Of Factory:
Fax Of Factory:
Name Contact Person:************ (Request To View)
Email Contact Person:************ (Request To View)

Credit Reports

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