BIZBRIDGE is an online platform that provides you all the information which will help your business in Indonesia.

Company Name Type Of Business Type Of Product Province #
PT BUNGA MATAHARI Manufacture Others Central Java Read More
PT BUMITIRTO SUMBERKOYO Manufacture Others East Java Read More
PT BUMITANGERANG COKLAT UTAMA Manufacture Others Banten Read More
PT BUMITAMA GUNAJAYA ABADI Manufacture Others Central Kalimantan Read More
PT BUMISARI PRIMA Manufacture Others North Sumatera Read More
PT BUMISA GANDU Manufacture Others Jakarta Special Capital Region Read More
PT BUMIRAYA INVESTINDO Manufacture Others South Kalimantan Read More
PT BUMIPRATAMA KHATULISTIWA Manufacture Others West Kalimantan Read More
PT BUMIPERMAI SURYALESTARI Manufacture Others Bangka Belitung Islands Read More
PT BUMIPERMAI LESTARI Manufacture Others Bangka Belitung Islands Read More
PT BUMIPALMA LESTARIPERSADA Manufacture Others Riau Read More
PT BUMIMULIA INDAH LESTARI Manufacture Others West Java Read More
PT BUMIJAYA TANJUNG Manufacture Others East Java Read More
PT BUMIHUTAN LESTARI Manufacture Others Jakarta Special Capital Region Read More
PT BUMIFOOD AGRO INDUSTRI Manufacture Others East Java Read More
PT BUMI TANGGERANG GAS INDUSTRY Manufacture Others Banten Read More
PT BUMI SUKA SWAKARSA Manufacture Others West Kalimantan Read More
PT BUMI SENTOSA ABADI Manufacture Others Lampung Read More
PT BUMI SAWIT PERMAI Manufacture Others South Sumatera Read More
PT BUMI SAWIT KENCANA Manufacture Others Central Kalimantan Read More
PT BUMI SARIMAS INDONESIA Manufacture Others West Sumatera Read More
PT BUMI RAYA UTAMA WOOD INDUSTRIES Manufacture Others West Kalimantan Read More
PT BUMI RAFLESIA INDAH Manufacture Others Bengkulu Read More
PT BUMI PUSAKA ADHI PERKASA Manufacture Others Jakarta Special Capital Region Read More