BIZBRIDGE is an online platform that provides you all the information which will help your business in Indonesia.

Company Name Type Of Business Type Of Product Province #
PT FLAMINDO CARPETAMA Manufacture Household Appliances & Furniture DKI Jakarta Read More
FKS MULTI AGRO Manufacture Animal Feed, Feed Compound & Breeding Farm DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FIXLON Manufacture Office Equipment & Stationery Product West Java Read More
PT FIVE STAR INDUSTRIES LIMITED Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product West Java Read More
PT FIVE RAMS WIJAYA BICYCLE INDUSTRIES Manufacture Office Equipment & Stationery Product East Java Read More
PT FIVE COMPANIONS SYNTHETIC INDUSTRIAL FACTORY (FICOSYN) Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product West Java Read More
PT THE FIRST NATIONAL GLASSWARE LTD. Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FIRST MUJUR PLANTATION & INDUSTRY BARNAWA AGRO SENTOSA Manufacture Agriculture and Plantation Product North Sumatera Read More
PT FIRST LAMANDAU TIMBER INTERNATIONAL Manufacture Agriculture and Plantation Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FIRMENICH INDONESIA Manufacture Pharmaceutical and Chemical Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PERTENUNAN FIRMAN JAYA Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product West Java Read More
PT FIRMAN JAYA DUA SAUDARA Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product West Java Read More
PT FIRMAGLAS INDONESIA Manufacture Packaging Matter Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FIRMA INDONESIA Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FIRAFIT Manufacture Household Appliances & Furniture East Java Read More
PT FINUSOLPRIMA FARMA INTERNASIONAL Manufacture Pharmaceutical and Chemical Product West Java Read More
PT FINKA LESTARI Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FINEXCO PRIMA Manufacture Pharmaceutical and Chemical Product East Java Read More
PT FINDECO JAYA Manufacture Pharmaceutical and Chemical Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FINCO GLOBAL ARTHA Manufacture Plastic, Rubber and Tube Product DKI Jakarta Read More
PT FILTRONA INDONESIA Manufacture Agriculture and Plantation Product East Java Read More
PT FILTECH INDONESIA PT ROKI INDONESIA Manufacture Transportation Product & Component West Java Read More
PT FILSURYA MEGAH Manufacture Shoes, Sandals and Textile Product East Java Read More
PT FILSUNG INDO RAYA Manufacture Transportation Product & Component DKI Jakarta Read More