BIZBRIDGE is an online platform that provides you all the information which will help your business in Indonesia.

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Proposal Japanese Learning Education

Kami dari Japanese Comunication School Menawarkan program belajar bahasa Jepang dengan detail sbb:

Kelas Intensif dengan jumlah siswa 1 atau 2 orang.


Company Information

DSSK & Partners

Law Firm

Offer To Sell

Mining and Energy

The mining and energy industry has undergone a change since the regulation concerning mining that has only been implemented since 2009. The reputation of the DSSK team that has long collaborated with ..

Company Information

DSSK & Partners

Law Firm

Offer To Sell

Labor Law

Labor law in Indonesia can be complicated to understand especially for companies and foreign nationals. This is due to the renewal of the labor regulations which are frequently updated. However, the D..

Company Information

DSSK & Partners

Law Firm

Offer To Sell

Business Establishment (Local and/or Foreign Investment)

We help both local and international entrepreneurs to establish companies. We prepare solutions so that the establishment of a client company runs effectively. Until now the foreign investment DSSK ha..

Company Information

DSSK & Partners

Law Firm

Offer To Sell

Company Law

More than ten years of experience owned by DSSK lawyers in the field of corporate law so that DSSK provides the best advocate to answer all the needs and solutions of corporate client legal services...

Company Information

DSSK & Partners

Law Firm

Offer To Sell

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

DSSK advocates had helped complete civil court and court litigation, as well as alternative dispute resolution outside the court. Therefore, our role may be described as that of a solicitor to defend ..